List of Tamil words in Yoruba language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Yoruba language
Dr.Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai ;MD; DPM;
Yoruba is a language spoken in West Africa, most prominently Southwestern Nigeria. It is spoken by the ethnic Yoruba people. The number of Yoruba speakers is stated as roughly 50 million, plus about 2 million second-language speakers. As a pluricentric language, it is primarily spoken in a dialectal area spanning Nigeria with smaller migrated communities in Cote d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and The Gambia. As the principal Yoruboid language, Yoruba is most closely related to the languages Itsekiri (spoken in the Niger Delta) and Igala (spoken in central Nigeria)
Yoruba is classified among the Edekiri languages, which together with Itsekiri and the isolate Igala form the Yoruboid group of languages within the Volta–Niger branch of the Niger–Congo family. The linguistic unity of the Niger–Congo family dates to deep prehistory, estimates ranging around 11000 years ago (the end of the Upper Paleolithic). In present-day Nigeria, it is estimated that there are over 40 million Yoruba primary and secondary language speakers as well as several other millions of speakers outside Nigeria, making it the most widely spoken African language outside of the continent.

Clues to read Yoruba words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
Ref- A dictionary of the Yoruba language -Church Missionary Society
English- Yoruba – Tamil
1.lice found in fowls- yoru -eeru / egg of louse
*2.a lie- yoba- poi
3.mute /dumb- yaodi – uoomai aayidu ;uoomai- dumb; aayida- to become . enter a house- wole- ullae nuzhiya /enter in ; illil nuzhiya ; il- house ; ullae- in; nuzhiya- to enter
*5.hurriedly- wiriwiri- viru viru nnu
* seek with a desire to find- walatiri- aavaloadu thaeduthar ; aaval- eager; thaeduthar- to search . be unemployed - walairise- vaelai attru ; vaelai- work; attru- without.
* live- walaya- vaazha
* heal/ cure- tan- thaniya seduce- tan- thoondu
*11.bleached calico/ white muslin- tala- thuyil/ fine cloth
* oppose- tako- ethukku knot- takoko- mudi iduka; mudi- knot; iduka- make. stand aloof from- takete- othunkkida compete with- taka- poaatti iduka
16.paper- takada- kakitha yaedu ; letters are jumbled; kaakitham- paper; yaedu- sheet.
*17. immediately- taketake- takku takku nnu
18.slender person- welewa- olli /lean; olli aal; aal- person. emit saliva- wato- wooththa vaai / salivated mouth; vaai- mouth; echchi wooththa ;echchi- saliva; uooththa- to flow.
*20. cease – wawo - oaaivu
* come- wa- vaa
22.dwell- wa- vasi
23.quiet- tutu- amaithi udaiya
24.wet- tutu- nanainthida
25.fresh- tutu – puthiyathu tutu- thanniyathu
27.cold- tutu- thatpam ;thadimun .
28.raw- tutu- puthiyathu
29.entirely- tutu- anaiththum ; moththamum . spit- tuto- thoo thoo nnu thuppu unite- tusile- inaiththal pour out- tusode –uooththu
*33. search the house-tule- illaththai thaedal; illam- house; thaedal- search . plough- tule- uzhuthidu ; letters are in reversed order. propitiate the ground by sacrificing or pouring oil on it – tule- nei uooththuthal ; nei- oil; uooththuthal- pouring . separate/ disunite- tuka- thundikka
* navigate a vessel-/ steer - tuko- oaattuka
38.soothe- tu- thaniya
*39.collect- tu- eettu
*40.break- tu- udai
41.dig up- tu - thoandu
42.provoke- to – thoondu
*43.touch- to- thodu ; letter is read more than once. to- to- naadu ; thaedu .
* apply- to – idu
46.go to- to- poaeida /to go
47.respectfully- tola tola- mathiththal point at- toka- sutti kaattuka ; letters are jumbled. sleep- togbe- adaika pack together- tolu- thiniththal touch the ground- tole- munnai thoduthal; munn- ground; thoduthal- touching.
* be equal- to- oththa
*53.maternal/ belonging to mother- tiya- thaaai /mother; thaaimai / motherly.
54.street/ road- titi- paadam
55.sufficiency- tito- poathiyathu
*56.that which may be worshipped- tite- thuthithida /to worship
57.that which is trampled upon- tite- mithiththida/ trample
58.reluctantly – tiko tiko – thayakkam adaika / to be reluctant ; thayakkam- reluctance ;adaika- to have.
*59.accept- tewogba- oththukkoa
* strike with a hard substance -ti- adi; thattu; idi .
*61.that- ti – athu
*62.which- ti- ethu
63.belonging to- ti- udaimai
*64.push- ti- idi
*65.shut- ti – adai
66.lock- ti- poottu
67.fasten- ti- mudi idu ti -muttu
69.thrust- ti – unthu ;nettu .
*70.near- ti – otti
71.with- ti- udan
* ti- idaththu
*73.against- ti- ethuththu
*74.put under- teri- adiyir iduthar ; adi- down; iduthar- put .to hide- teri -
*’s own- teni- thani udaimai
*76.kick from an animal- tete- uthaiththida kick- tase- uthai kick- tapa- uthai poadu
* kick- ta- uthai
* burn- ta-thee idu ; theee- fire; idu- make.
*81.shoot at- ta- sudu / fire; yeithidu /arrow.
82.sting- ta- theenda
* tap- ta –thattu
84.impose a fine- ta- thandam produce- ta- padai;seithidu . sound aloud- ta- oaasai idu/ to make noise; oaasai- sound; idu- make. become infected- tale- noaei thoththuthal ; noaei- disease ; thoththa- to get infected smite the breast- ta laiya- mulai yaei adiththal; mulai- breast- adiththal- beat ; letters are jumbled. .
89.quickly- tete-sattunnu; pattunnu provoke- teteto- thoondidu
* be flat- te- thattai
* beat- te- adi
* lay- te- idu
* place- te- idu
95.tread down- te- mithi
* push violently- tari- idiththar
97.out do/ surpass - te- thaandu dip- tebo- thoai tread on the ground- tele- mithiththal
* bring low /disgrace- telogo- thaazhuthuka curse- tase- thittu
* play the game called warry – tayo- aadu
* worship- te- thuthi ; oaathu .
104.respect- te-mathi
105.indulge- te – eedu padu estimate- taro- edai iduthar
107.regard- taro- mathiththar be lazy- sole- soampal
*109.very small- sokoto- kuttiya
* do- se- sei
* make- se- sei ooze- sunjade- sintha/ spill come down- sokale- keezhae vaa; keezhae- down; vaa- come; ka= va; va= ka. speak out- sojade- paesidu
115.tell out- sokiri- koory /say unite- sosokan- saekkanum become- sodi- aayida make unclean- sodiaimo- suththam inmai/ not clean ;inmai- without; suththam- cleanliness . purify- sodi mimo- suththam seithidu ; letters are read more than once; suththam- cleanliness ;seithidu- do. make- sodabi- seithidu
* destroy- sodahoro- saethaaram seithidu ; saethaaram- damage ; letters are read more than once.
*122.scold- so- yaesu
* speak/ talk -so- asai /say
* be dead- se- saa / death
*125.cigar- sarotu- suruttu/ to roll flee- sata- oaadida cook- se- samai
128.sprout- ru- muri rise- ru—uyaru swell- ru – poori
131.pimple- roro- paru
* tell- ro- urai
*133.disturb- ru soke- uooru seika ; uooru- disturbance/ bad; seika- do.
*134.beautifully- roro- aar ; ari ; yaer .
* shear- re- uri
*136.cut- re- aru
* rub against - re- uraaiya see- ri- paaru
139.depart- re- piriya
* crawl /creep- rako- uooruka
* creep/ crawl- re - uoora
* perish- re- eru
* break- pute- poaatu udai ; pottiththidu .
* tell a lie- puro- poei urai ; poei- alie; urai- to tell.
* open the cover- piri –piri
146.strength and smartness – piri- peeram/strength
*147.intoxication- pipaoti- poathai
*148.flat- pete- pattai yaa
*149.sympathetic swelling of the groin- petele- pudaihthal- to get swelled
150.wooden shoe- patako- paatha kattai; letters are jumbled; paatham- foot; kattai- wood.
*151.spotted/ speckled- patapata- pottu pottaa
152.whip- patiye- saattai be cracked at the bottom- padi – adi udaia ;adi oaattai ;adi- bottom; udaiya- to break; oattaai- hole.
* shut- pade- poottu
* meet with- pade- paaththidu
* cheat /defraud- pade- poeithida
157.tender leaf- ojele- pinju ilai ; pinju- tender; ilai- leaf.
158.small boat- opera- pakhri
159.palm tree- ope- panai
160.bowl- opon- paanai / pot ore- paeru
162.old fermented liquor- otioda- pattai
163.alone- oto- thaniyaa /recent - otun- puthiyana
165.small pitcher- otun- thanni paanai ;thanni- water; paanai- pot; thanni thoandi – pail .
*166.time- owole- vaelai
*167.time/ interval- ote- idai
168.any intoxicating liquor- oti- pattai ;thanni ; thaem .
169.ball- ota- unndai
*170.conversation /word- oro- urai
171.clay- oro- saeru /mud
172.spear/ lance -oko- ekhu /lance
*173.pond- ogodo- kuttai
*174.rope- obara- puri
175.the summit- ote- mudi
176.sun- orun- naayiru ; letters are in reversed order; oaaraiyan- sun .
177.short stick- ogo- kuchchi
178.lamb- odu agutan- aattu kutti / kid ;adu- goat; kutti- young
179.hissing- ose- oshe
180.sound made by smacking the lips- ose – sappu
*181.sound – expressive of grief- ose -shae shae; achachachoa
182.wild pigeon- orofo- puraa; letters are in reversed order.
183.paint- ose- saayam erect position- oro- naeraa
*185.title of the ruler- oluwo-aaluvoan ; aalu- to rule. who reckons or numbers- onku -ennuka /to reckon
*187.carpenter’s or smith’s hammer/ mallet- ol- uli
*188.mouse- ole- eli
189.a sufferer of losses- olofo- izhappu / loss
190.heap- okiti- kuviththidu; ka= va; va= ka.
191.hill- okiti- kuvadu; ka= va; va= ka.
*192.bale of goods- kete- kattu oka- kanakkan
*194.ear ring- okaeti- kaathu thoadu; kaathu- ear ;thoadu- stud.
195.morsel- okele- kavalam; ka= va; va- ka.
*196.strong undiluted palm wine- ogidi- kadikai / palm wine
*197.young of beasts in general- ogodo- kutti
198.calf- ogodo- kannu kutti
*199.colt- ogodo- kaththai / donkey
*199.brook/stream - odo- oaadai
*200.the parrot- odide- thaththai
* have thought- niye- enna
* remember- niye- ninai
*203.sincere /clean / pure- nimimo- unmaiyaa
204.on the ground- nile- nilam / ground unite- mu- sokan- sarekkanum ; letters are jumbled. drink any intoxicating liquor /to be drunken - muti- mattai adi
207.deduct /shorten- mu kuro- kuraikkanum ; letters are jumbled. grumble- mukun- munaka; letters are jumbled.
209.make quiet- mu dake- amaithi adaika /to become quiet ;amaithi- calm ; adaika- to have.
* ripen- mude- muththa
*211.respected- mato- mathi / to respect
212.truly- ma- unmaiyaa go- lo- sellu
214.tomorrow- lola- naalai
215.the other day- nijelo- poana naal ;poana- past; naal- day
216.branching- leka- kilaikka; letters are in reversed order.
*217.dirty- legbin- azhukku pannu /to make dirty ;azhukku- dirt; pannu- make.
218.nearby- leti- otti ulla; letters are in reversed order.
* appear/ as a moon - le- ezha
220.home less- lainile- ilam illai ; illam- house;illai- without.
*221.short / brief- kuru – kuru
*222.loud cry- kokara- karaiya
*223.clash- kolu- kalakam
224.unripe- kode- kaniyaatha lightens- ko mana mana ; vaanam minna ; ka= va ;va= ka; letters are jumbled; vaanam - sky; minna- lightening /shining .
*226.hook- ko- kokki spoil- kolo-kuzhappu
*228.plunder- kolo- kollai
*229.hollow- koto- kudaa; kudaivu
*230.cavity - koto – kudaa; kudaivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
* collect against- koti- koottu /collect
* meet- ko- kaana
*233.anxiety- kila kilo- kili kolla; kili- panic; kolla- to have.
234.male violence- keta - kodumai/ violence
*235.howl- ke- koovu; ka- va; va- ka.
* cut down- kelule- kizhi /to cut fell- ke lule- keezhae veezha; veezha- to fall ;keezhae- down ;ka= va; va =ka.
* cut right through- kede- kaathu ; vettu; ka= va; va= ka. and there- kata kata- ankittum inkittum
*240.bird- karo – kuree / sparrow
241.a well- kanga- kaeni
*242.mother- iya- aaya
*243.grandmother- iyala- aayaal
* iyara- arai iworo- urai
*246.timber- iti- thadi
247.urine- ito- thanni /water itore- thara
*248.prayer- itoro- thuthiththar ; oaathuthar . itose- thaedu
*250.attack- italaiya- adiththal /assault; padai eduththal /to wage a war ; padai- army. .
251.opposition- italaiya- ethiththiduthal /oppose
*252.startling- itagiri- thidukkura
*253.tillage- irole- yaeru uzha ; yaeru- a plough; uzha- till .
*254.promulgation- iroka- arikkai sei
panic- ipaiya- payam ; peethi .
256.fear- iji- achcham
257.expiration- imijade- moochchai vida
258.inspiration- imisi- moochchai edu
259.breathing/ respiration- imi- moochchu
* ile- il
*261.cough- iko- kakka
*262.a large pot- ikudu- kudam/ pot
263.nicely woven native cloth- iketa- koadi /cloth; kuttai / cloth.
264.learning- ikeka- karkka
* short in stature- ikete- kuttai
266.reckoning- ika- ennuka
*267.offertory/ gift- iftore- padaiththar
268.breast- ige- konkkai
*269.thief- igara- kariyar
270.obstacle- idiwo- thadai
271.the state of a girl reaching puberty – idi wundia -theettu adainthida ; letters are jumbled; theettu- menses; adaiya- to have /attain .
272.blockade- idoti- thadai idu /to block
273.navel- ododo- thunthi
274.competition- idije- poatti
275.knot- idiju- mudichchu
276.impediment- idilowo- thadu thalai
*277.arrival- ide- adaiya
278.cover-[ n]- ideri -mooduthar /to cover
*279.waist- idi - idai
280.hip- ibadi- iduppu ; letters are in reversed order. hear/ listen- gbo- kaekka idake- oaaivu edukka ;oaaivu- rest ;edukka- take.
283.the act of being away from home- idale- ettaththil / far away
*284.torture - idaloro- thollai thara /torment
*285.act of boring- idalu- oaattai iduthal; oaattai- hole; thulai idu /to make a hole; thulai- hole.
286.the act of mixing together- idalu- saeththiduthal
287.creation- ida-padaippu island- idado- munn thattu ; munn- land/ sand ; thattu- patchy area .
*289.isolation- idado- oththaiya ;thaniya .
*290.being stopped- idaduro- thadai iduthar
*291.detention- idaduro- adaiththar /confine
*292.hindered- idaduro –idai uooru / hindrance
293.the state of being alone- idagbe- oththaiyaaka ;thaniyaaka
294.bidding farewell- idag pere- vidai pera; ka= va; va= ka; idag= vidai ; letters are jumbled.
295.a small cut made into the skin with the lancer- gbere- keeru
296.a drum beaten in honour of the king- gbedu - kottu /beat ; kottu- a drum crowd after- gbati- koottam kooda; koottam- crowd; kooda- to gather. sweep aside in a heap- gbati- koottu / sweep; kootti kuviththidu ;kuviththidu -to heap ; ka= va; va= ka.
*299.stag- gala- kalai maan
*300.greater/ older - firi- periya
* eat- fije- pusi mortgage- fidogo- adaku / mortgage
* wrap- fidi- pothi idu bind with- fidi- pinaiththidu answer- fesi- paesu /speak; seppu /answer; letters are in reversed order.
306.insufficient – fete – poaathamai
* sing out- fita- paadu / to sing
308.cheek- eke- kannam
309.natural propensities- eda- thanmai
*310.which- ewo-evai
*311.which- eyiti -ethu
312.whichever- eyitowukose -ethuvaakinum
*313.edge- eti- ottu
314.ant- erun- erumpu
*315.flour- eta- idi
*316.lip- ete- uthadu ; letter is read morethan once.
* enia- aan/ male / man
* rat- ekutele- kudi eli; kudi- house; eli- rat
* eni- onnu
*320.wild goat- ekiri- karumai / goat
321.joint- eko- kanu
*322.handle of knife- eku- kai
*323.knee- ekun- kanu
*324.wild goat- edu – aadu /goat
325.buffalo- ede- maethi
326.language - ede- nodi
327.hunger- ebi- pasi
328.journey- ebi- payanam
329.jar for oil- ebe- paanai / pot
*330.thickly- dudu- thadiththa lie down- dubule- paduththal; letters are jumbled. plait the hair- diri- sadai iduthar
*333.ripe- died- muthiyathu
* seize- fira- pari
335.aim- ete- thittam
*336.poured out- dida- uooththidu
*337.congeal- di – thadi ; thadiththida
* be unemployed- dile-thozhil illai ; thozhil- work/occupation; illai- nil .
* article of dress- digo- udukkai / dress; udukka- to wear. is impossible- deti- mudiyaathu
* sew- dewu- thei
*342.thick- di- thadiththa ; letters is read more than once
*343.closed- di- adaiththa
*344.near- dede- otti
345.wash alone- dawe- thaniyaa thuvai ;thaniyaa- alone ;thuvai- to wash – cloth
346.spill- dasiile- sinthuthal ; letters are jumbled.
*347.agreeable- dede- oththida /agree
*348.appraise- dayele- edai iduthal
*349.reach – de - adaiya
350.better /superior- daraui- tharamaa
351.steer- dari- oaattuthar turn the direction of- dariko- thiruppuka /to turn
* play-daraya- aaduthar lament- daro- thuyram /grief
*355.beautiful - dara- thiru /beauty
* make a hole – dalu- thulai idu; thulai- hole; idu- make. out- dajade- oaattida
*358.pour- da- uooththu notice- bikita- kanndida
* biati- eppadi
361.instantly- biatinwi- pattunnu
* fear- beru- peeru
363.first born daughter- bere- periya ponnu ; periya- elder; ponnu- girl /daughter.
*364.grass – bere- pur
365.shoe- bata- paatha ani; paatham- foot; ani- wear.
366.a drum- bata- thappu; letters are in reversed order.
*367.father- baba- appa
368.colour- awo- wannam
369.frame used for carrying corpses - atipa – paadai; letters are in reversed order.
370.semen- ato- thanni/ water
371.attainment- atini- adainthida
372.act of securing with a lock and key- atipa- poottu ; letters are in reversed order.
373.sole of the foot- atelese- adi thole; adi- foot; thole- skin
* in order- atele- aduththu ulla
378.dancing- atijo- aadu /to dance
379.refusal- atiko- yaeththukathu / not accepting
380.act of dying- atiku- madaika
381.salvation- atila- thaththuthal; muththi adaithal ; yuithiduthal .
382.the process of building- atiko -kattu; letters are in reversed order.
383.engagement in fighting- atija- adi thadi
384.the process of teaching- atiko- kaththu kodu ; letters are jumbled.
*385.booth- atibaba- thaduppu
*386.flatness- ate- thattai
387.limb- ara- uruppu
*388.bag- apo- pai
*389.pocket- apo- pai
* apoti- petti
391.potsherd- apadi – paanai oadu ;paanai- pot .
*392.evening- ale- al
393.mourner- alawe- azhuvoan ;azhu- wail.
*394.lack of limit- alailala- ellai illa; ellai- limit; illai- without.
*395.boundary/ line of demarcation- ala- ellai
* /chamber- akodi – koodam
*397.act of gathering and tying up - akodi –koodi kattu; koodu- gather; kattu- tie.
398.monkey- akiti- koattam
* robber- akole- kallan / thief
*400.broad brimmed straw hat used asan umbrella- akata- kudai/ umbrella
401.uncut- aketi – kaathidaathu ; kaathu- to cut.
*402.bed- akete- kidakkai
*403.vulture- akala – kazhuku
404.not touching- aidebe- thodaathu
*405.non arrival- aidele- adaiyala / not arriving
*406.not touching the ground- aidele- thodala/ not touching
407.untied- aide- mudi idaathu
408.cup- / mug- ago-kinni
*409.Yoruba canvas cloth- agidi- kuttai / cloth; koadi /cloth.
410.short sword- agada- katkam / sword
411.peculiar method of plaiting the hair- adite- sadai idu
412.closed up- adimo- moodiyathu ; letters are in reversed order.
413.a crown- ade- mudi ;thaaj wearer/ king- adade- mudi soodu /to wear the crown ; mudi- crown; soodu- to wear; mudi soodiyoan – one who wears the crown .
415.butterfly- abuta- pattaam poochchi
*416.pudding- abodo- puttu
417.slap with the palm of the hand- abara- araiya
*418.mat- aba- paai
419.for ever- abada- eppoathum
420.year- odun- aandu; letters are in reversed order.
*421.voluntary- tinu tinu - thannai thaanae- on one’s own.
*422.voluntary- atinuwa- thaanavae
*423.visit- ikini- kaana
424.vital- tiemi- muthanmai ; letters are jumbled .
425.tillage- aroko- yaeru oaattuka
*426.that- eyiti- athu
*427.tempest- efufulile- puyal /storm
428.fear- faya – payam ;peethi .
* tap- dalu- thattuthal
*430.sword- ida- yaethi
*431.sway- ise – asai
432.sun rise- ila orun – naayiru ezha ; letters are jumbled. aga – unnuka seojurere- siri
435.smell /stink- orun – naara ; letters are in reversed order.
*436.silence- mudake- amaithiyaaka
*437.shut- di- adai
* bere- paaru
*439.a saw -ri- ari
* saw- reigi- arukka
*441.say- so- asai
*442.ruin- iwolule- voliya ;azhiya.
443.river- odo- thuni ; nathi ; unthi .
*444.rigor- iwariri otutu- viraiththida
445.produce- bi- pannu
446.prevent- dilowo- thaduththal
447.powder- etu – podi
*448.plug- edidi- adaiththidu
449.pluck- fatu- pichchidu ; peiththidu .
450.pack- dieru- adaiththar ; thiniththar.
*451.pack- okete- kattu
452.oven- idana- adu manai
453.mug- agoimumi-kinnam
*454.mitigation- idinku- thanikka
455.log- itiigi- kattai; letters are in reversed order.
456.knot [ n] – idiju – mudichchu
457.injury- ika- kaayam
458.hold- idaduro- pidiththar
459.arrow- ofa- ampu ; paanam.
460.attack- dojuko- thaakku
461.bind- dilu- inaiththal; saeththal.
462.bit- die- thundu
*463.bottom- idi- adi
*464.break- dida-udaiththidu
465.buttock- idi-sooththu
*466.collapse- wolule- veezha
467.concise- kuru- kurumai
468.continue- duro pe- thodaru
469.copulate- solu- ozhu
470.copulate- dapao- yaeththu; oaaththidu
*471.convey- mulo- mozhiya
*472.curiosity- awari- aavar
*473.cry- kede- kaththu
474.delay- da duro- thaamatham ura
475.deleterious- liewu- azhivu
476.female- abo- penn
* to- yaeththa
*478.flat- sepete- sappattai
479.fold- di- madi